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  • Daily Digest: OpenAI unveiled its model

Daily Digest: OpenAI unveiled its model

Today’s Insights

OpenAi new model specs

AI and Tech News

5 new Super AI Tools for Growth

Golden Prompt: for Content strategy

Ai & News

GPT-2 is back: The mysterious gpt2-chatbot has returned to the Chatbot Arena, as speculation grows it might be an early test version of OpenAI’s GPT-5.

Generative Ai:Generative AI is seeing widespread adoption in the workplace, with 75% of workers using it and 46% having adopted it in the last six months.


OpenAI and Microsoft have developed a tool that can detect AI-generated images and deepfakes with 98.8% accuracy.

The detection tool is under research evaluation for further accuracy enhancements.

Deep mind:

Google DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs have developed the 3rd generation of AlphaFold, a powerful protein folding prediction model. It is launching AlphaFold Server, which is a free way to interact with the model. AlphaFold 3 is 50% more accurate than previous generations. It correctly predicted the folded structure of the spike protein on Coronavirus OC43.

Ai & Research

OpenAI's New Model Spec: A Step Towards Better AI Behavior

OpenAI has just unveiled its Model Spec, a comprehensive guide outlining how its AI models should behave. This detailed document sets objectives, rules, and default behaviors for the AI, ensuring it's helpful and respectful in its interactions.

So, what's the big deal? The Model Spec is like a rulebook for OpenAI's AI. It shows that the company prioritizes assisting users, benefiting humanity, and maintaining a good reputation. The rules are specific, too - the AI must comply with laws, respect privacy, and avoid NSFW content.

Why should you care? Other companies like Anthropic have similar frameworks for their AI models. Together, these guidelines could influence how AI is developed across the board, potentially leading to safer and more aligned AI.

OpenAI is actively seeking feedback on the Spec, so now's your chance to shape the future of AI. I hope this rewritten version meets your requirements.

Super Tools

Jsondr - A URL to JSON tool.

Abstra - Scale business processes with Python + AI.

Hunch: Chain together AI tasks in a visual, no-code workspace, then share your work for your whole team to use.

Datalab - Go from data to insights with the help of AI.

Touch AI: Automate sales prospecting, create an ideal customer profile, and curate weekly leads with AI.


Prompt of the Day

Content strategy:

As a social media manager, can you help me create a Facebook content strategy for a course creator in the [niche] to [goal]?